
AIRs vol.4アーティスト・イン・レジデンスのほんとうのはなし  2013.9.7 開催報告

AIRs-ほんとうのはなし#1302 Utipiana@スイス・ジュネーブ遊工房アートスペース@横浜HHS 

開催日時:2013.9.7()1300-1500 会場:新港区ハンマーヘッドスタジオ(以下HHSB16                                (Studio Jean+ Youkobo Art Space/横浜)

参加者:・UtopianaAnna Barseghian(創設者・代表) 滞在作家2名:もうひとり(小野環、三上清仁)・遊工房アートスペース:村田達彦、弘子(共同代表)、滞在作家3名:Ade Putra Safe,Kahirullah Rahim(シンガポール)、Arnaud Gallizia (フランス)StudioJean:松本恭吾(代表)、木村宗平ゲスト参加者:江原彩子、村上綾、江間、他2名計12


ユートピアナ URLwww.utopiana.ch

Open Talk About AIR #1302

Utipiana@ Geneva, Switzerland + Youkobo Art Space@Hammer Head Studio, Yokohama
Date2013.9.7(Sat) 1300-1500 

VenueShinminatoku Hammer Head Studio (HHS) B16

(Studio Jean+ Youkobo Art Space/Yokohama)

Participants:・UtopianaAnna BarseghianDirector, FounderResident ArtistsMou Hitori(Tamaki Ono, Kiyohito Mikami)・Youkobo Art Space Tatsuhiko and Hiroko Murata(co-directors) Resident ArtistsAde Putra SafeKahirullah RahimSingapore, Arnaud Gallizia (France)Studio JeanKyougo Matsumoto, Sohei KimuraGuests Ayako Ehara, Aya Murakami + others       Total 12 people

As part of the regular events held at HHS, Yokohama, Youkobo Art Space joined via skype with artist unit "Mouhitori", who were joining a 1 month residency at "Utopiana", a residency based in a residential area of Geneva, Switzerland, the two artists Tamaki Ono and Kiyohito Mikami speaking directly of their experiences. While in the final 10 minutes Utopiana's director, Anna Barseghian, also joined the conversation, sharing further details about the residence and highlighting the similarities in scale and context of both residencies.

The session began with a video tour via skype of both spaces of Utopiana and HHS. Following this the participants entered into dialogue regarding the residence program encompassing topics of the history of squatting, the environment of Geneva and the management of the Utopiana garden through the participation of the local community. This was followed by commentary by the residence artists Tamaki Ono and Kiyohito Mikami on the result of their 1 month stay.

The conversation also extended to issues of climate change and environmental challenges, touching upon melting glaciers and the taking over of weeds like Canada goldenrod. The artists also talked of their trip to the Venice Biennale and the necessities of self-catering in a country with such high prices.

Lastly Anna, the founder of Utopiana, who is originally from Armenia, explained the development of the art space since its establishment, while Youkobo shared its own progress and introduced the activities surrounding its microresidence research. In fact by coincidence Youkobo is planning to welcome an artist to its space in February 2014.